Energy and self-care for people who make a difference - Reconnect with your purpose | LGN Coaching

Lilla Galfi Noorlander 05-01-2025 82 keer bekeken 2 reacties


31-01-2025 om 19:30


31-01-2025 om 21:30

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Do you want to make a difference? Do you care deeply and feel sometimes overwhelmed? Would you like to feel more energized to contribute to positive change?

Making a difference is not easy, it takes a lot of energy, inspiration, will and dedication. Especially if you volunteer for a cause that you deeply care about. To keep on giving, you need to take care of your own energy and do your volunteer work in a way that is sustainable for you.

This two-hour workshop enables you to:

  • Embrace your deep feelings as your power
  • Reconnect with your purpose
  • Feel energized to do your best work for the world
  • Get the support that you need
  • Make a difference in the world, your way.


This workshop might be a good fit for you, if you:

- have some clarity on where you want to make a difference or you are already involved in an organisation or a project,

- thrive in an open, warm and safe environment where you have the space to reflect and learn with a small group of like-minded people.


Nurture your energy and make a difference your way

To make an impact in the world, it is very important that you sustain your ability to make a difference.  Whether you care about animals rights, climate change or social issues, to be able to contribute on the long term you need to care for yourself and find ways to show up in a way that is right for you. This workshop shows you how you can embrace your deep care for the world, see it as your superpower and reconnect with the reason why you are volunteering. You will also see new possibilities on how to contribute to what is important for you.

People who participated in this workshop, appreciated that we created a safe and calm space that allows for deep work and to work through our emotions.

This workshop has been inspired by the work of many great thinkers, amongst them Joanna Macy and Elaine N. Aron. It is based on the tools that work for me (and for others), to balance my deep care for the causes that I support and sustain my energy as I am working to make a difference.


The price for the workshop: 45 euros

You can learn more about this workshop, ask questions and sign up here:

Registration for the workshop has now been closed.


If you would like to learn more about sustaining your energy and doing your best work in the world, you can join the course that starts in April 2025. Here you can also get personal coaching to support your work on making a difference.

Lilla Galfi Noorlander

08-01-25 om 11:39

Beste Mark, hartelijk bedankt voor uw vragen. Deze workshop is in het Engels. Ik kan het ook in het Nederlands geven. De workshop helpt mensen om te zien hoe ze zichzelf op een duurzame manier kunnen inzetten voor hun doel, en goed dat u het opgemerkt heeft om het expliciter te maken.

Ik heb de tekst nu aangevuld om een nog completere beeld te geven waar de workshop over gaat. De deelnemers leren hoe ze kunnen omgaan met hun emoties en energie rondom vrijwilligerswerk, ze maken contact met hun drijfveren en vanuit die de energie krijgen dat ze op de langere termijn nodig hebben. Het helpt hun om nieuwe kansen te zien en te voelen welke verschil ze maken. Het is heel geschikt voor mensen die erg betrokken zijn en daardoor het soms lastig vinden om op de lange termijn zichzelf op een duurzame manier in te zetten. 

Ik hoop dat het uw vragen heeft beantwoord. Als u nog vragen of opmerkingen heeft, ik hoor het graag!

Mark Molenaar

06-01-25 om 15:14

Lilla Galfi Noorlander Ik heb twee vragen voor je. Is de workshop in het Nederlands? Ik kan het verband met vrijwilligers op zich wel leggen, maar kun je dat nog wat expliciteren? 
